Saturday, June 19, 2010

I'm gettin' Jiggily with it!

Well... it's strange but true. My fat was firm. It seems like an oxy-moron, really, but it's true. Now, My fat is jiggily like jello. I noticed it first at Water aerobics. It was like something was shadowing me in the water... turns out, It was more of me... stalking myself...following close enough to smash into me like an 18 wheeler on the highway. My fat is clinging to me for dear life. It moves in slow motion like a bellydancer's scarf... and I'm no bellydancer, yet. the water makes it seem almost graceful but it's desperate to stay with me... so it drapes over me like a wet suit that's several sizes too big. I guess I should be glad there is less of it but as the fat gets less, the skin takes over, like a plastic bag filled with jello. So I do my water work.... and it keeps slapping me around... Is it mad at me for being happy to see it go? I don't care...I'm not inviting it back again... and I don't miss it at all...


  1. I dread to think what my jijjly bits look like but I am loving how I feel in the water. I think we will feel more wobbly before this is over but then the tide will turn and those firm muscles that you know are underneath will start to show through. I am a little worried about the loose skin but hey loose skin is not going to kill me, the fat was!

  2. Hiya! Draz sent me. First off let me say I love the layout of your blog. so colorful! Lol. You're hilarious. I am still in the process of getting approved by insurance so I have no words of wisdom but now i have something to look fwd too....being chased by my own fat. lol. Keep up the good work!!!!

  3. I agree the water is great! Gotta say it makes the boobs look awesome since they kinda float to the top! LOL I also love that I can get in a great workout without sweating!

    However, I totally relate to how the skin takes over! Not my favorite part of the journey, but hopefully as the muscles tone the skin will want to cling to those tight abs and big guns!! :D

  4. I can so relate to the jigglies! I was lying on my side watching tv earlier today, and I swear my gut was lying next to me! How did it get over there?!?!
