I'm just a normal girl crazy in love with my Husband George, love to travel and eat... and usually fail at losing and keeping weight off... We never wanted kids of our own but we adore our nieces and nephews. We are also huge movie buffs who enjoy going to advanced screenings to see most movies before they're released. My life is fun.... Full of family and friends and a while lot of laughs.
Saturday, July 31, 2010
ER....Good news and bad news.
Friday, July 30, 2010
BYOC-Friday and pushing my luck.
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Close...only counts in Horseshoes and Hand Gernades!
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
My hubby is following me!!!
You like me, You really Like me!

Rules, the rules for the award are as follows!!! I am so excited i may implode! 1)Thank the person giving the award.... Hey V! Thank you so much for being so witty and interesting... truly Stalkworthy. And for nominating me and my little blog for this Versatile award. I love your blog... too, and it is wonderfully rewarding to know you feel the same way about my incessant ramblings. 2)Share 7 things about yourself. .....a)I am an avid scrapbooker, I am sure I mentioned this fact before but some details... I love taking photos, especially portrait photos... I try to capture emotions and rejoice in the relationships celebrated and revealed in the photos. Photography is an amazing art form and scrapbooking is a way to celebrate the art form within another artform...LOL. I am doing a scrapbook of my journey with the weight loss and finding myself beneath these layers of curves. ....b)I am a First Generation American. My father was a German Citizen born in Romania, and grew up in Austria and Germany. He moved to the Philadelphia Pennsylvania area in 1959 when he was 22 and met my Mother, born and raised in Philly, about 5 years later. .......c)I was friends with several of my Husband's friends for years before we met in a mall... I wonder why they never set us up before we met and fell in love on our own...LOL ........d)My husband works in the Magic Kingdom in Walt Disney World, we moved here to Orlando, Florida 10 years ago, when we realized if we didn't move here we would never see anywhere else in the world. We love Disney and enjoy going to the parks as often as we can. .......e)I love to sing... In the shower, in the car, in public, in private... I love singing movies where people break into song instead of explaining how they feel, I love the sh0w Glee and I am a big ol' GLEEK. I would love if when I start singing, instead of staring, if folks would just sing along or start dancing in the background... Gleek! As a strange coincidence, I was named after Maria in the Sound of Music... but my MomMom went to her grave believing that I was named after her. Her name was Maria too... ....f)My little Sister died in her sleep at 33. It was very sudden and shocking, we had a tumultuous relationship and alot of unresolved issues, that I always hoped we would sort out and become lifelong close friends... g)I love all things burlesque, the feather fans, the corsettes, garter belts, striptease, Moulin Rouge..... etc. But I have never been comfortable enough with my body to express that. I also love belly dancing and hula dancing. Why don't my love handles look sexy like theirs? 3)Nominate 15 newly discovered Blogs... 1:Freckleonthenose.blogspot.com 2:Amaris at distractedbydiets.blogspot.com 3:Steph at electricladyband.blogspot.com 4:fatwithaprettyface.blogspot.com 5:Angie at angieinrepair.blogspot.com 6:Gwen at secretdiaryofabandgirl.blogspot.com 7:Gilly at somethingsomethingsomethingfatchick.blogspot.com 8:Hey at lapwithme.blogspot.com 9:Kerri at justmeandmyband.blogspot.com 10:Terri at icandothis826.blogspot.com 11:Michelle at thebandinmemyjourney.blogspot.com 12:Carmen at mywittyblogtitle.blogspot.com 13:DonutDiva at bandedup.blogspot.com 14:Barb at myluckylapband.blogspot.com 15: workinprogress at shesaworkinprogress.blogspot.com I know some of my nominees are not new bloggers but this is my first nomination so I want to let them know how much their blogs have influenced and inspired me.
Saturday, July 24, 2010
My life in the Underwear drawer....
Friday, July 23, 2010
BYOC Friday- and my 4month bandiversary photos.
Thursday, July 22, 2010
A shout out to "Seeing in color" and other not so interesting stuff.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Sex...a committment to exercise.
Monday, July 19, 2010
Visions of SugarPlums dance thru my head...
Sunday, July 18, 2010
100 followers! and counting!

Friday, July 16, 2010
BYOC Friday-I am sorry I didn't finish it...now it is!
Yesterday, The Chocolate Won!!!!!!!
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Losing weight is a full time job...
Monday, July 12, 2010
Where there's a will, there's a power!

Sunday, July 11, 2010
Down with DIabetes!

Saturday, July 10, 2010
The Sisterhood.... my new addiction!
Friday, July 9, 2010
BYOC and Getting my Glee On!
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
You guys Rock!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Too fat to fit in...here?