Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Nervous.... but Anticipating an Answer of some sort.

Well, Tomorrow is my follow up with my Surgeon... I am nervous, but glad that my Anxiety Disorder will have less fuel.... I am anxious to get some answers but scared that I won't like what I'll hear. Could all this be happening because of my food addiction? I mean it's still there under the surface, not far under the surface either... I need help, with WLS it was way more controllable, And I need more control, way more control! Please... Oh Please, Don't let him fire me. I don't want to start over... I want to get my old tired journey over, and start whatever may be my new one...


  1. Can't wait to hear what he has to say, just read your last entry. *HUGS!* I'm so sorry you're having to go through this, hon!

    1. Thank you so much... I am relieved that I am gonna be a Sleeve Sister.

  2. Good Luck.. I will be thinking about you

    1. Your thoughts helped...I am going to get the sleeve done like next month.
